Ready to Master Google Shopping?

Take control of your Google Advertising and start getting more sales.  Consistently.

Online Retail Academy is a membership that walks you through the process of confidently setting up profitable product based Google Ads (aka Google Shopping Ads), even if you're a complete beginner...

Google Shopping Ads Are Overwhelming...

Most people who aren't familiar with Google Ads feel overwhelmed when thinking about getting started, which is hardly surprising when you look at all the options, settings and tools that confront you when you log into Google Ads - it's like looking at the cockpit of a Jumbo Jet!

Google claim to make things easy with their 'smart' campaigns, but all they really do is push you through a process that leaves you feeling just as confused as you did before you started.  Except now you're spending money on their ads and STILL don't understand them.

And if you don't understand what's going on how are you going to know whether they're really working or not?

Or maybe you didn't even get that far because you couldn’t get past setting up all the ‘stuff’ you need to do to run Google Shopping Ads in the first place (ad account, merchant center, product feeds, you get the picture…)

You DON’T need to be a tech whizz to do this! 

Google want you to be confused.   

Because confused people accept their ‘recommendations’.  

And often those ‘recommendations’ end up costing you more and earning you less.  

But with the right guidance, anyone can understand Google Shopping.  

With the right guidance anyone can feel in control of their ads and know what to do to get better results, just like Sam...

 "For a few years I used Google Shopping on and off to drive traffic to my website. To be honest I didn't have a clue what I was doing. I just threw something up there and thought it's ok... I'm breaking even.

Fast forward to finding Sara...Well, my [Google Shopping] ads have been up and running since the 1st January. I've spent £126 and had 5 orders totalling £708.26 (an ROAS of 5.6).

Thank you so much Sara for your training videos and support. I have a feeling Google Shopping is going to be an important part of my business.

Sam Gilhooley
Founder - Equine Magnetix

Anything's Possible With The Right Training & Support

The key to learning any new skill is having the right training and support. 

That's how I learned: countless Google Ads courses from top Google Ads leaders, asking questions in groups, and religiously showing up to Q&A sessions where I could pick expert brains and hone my skills.

It also takes action - being willing to roll your sleeves up and get your hands dirty putting what you learn into practice.  

And that's especially true with Google Shopping Ads...

 "What a revelation and transformation her course has been.

From the beginning, Sara has been honest and advised that this isn’t a magic pill, but a journey to success that takes a lot of hard work.

However, since engaging with Sara, I have learned so much about Googles Ads, and have seen a steady increase in my online traffic and my ROAS has reached as high as 700%  during the Christmas period.

Lorraine Moonie
Founder - Wags Empawrium


A Place For Online Shop Owners To 
Get to Grips with Google Shopping
(and much, much more...)

The Online Retail Academy is a monthly membership for online retailers just like you.  
You get access to training, help and support to get you up and running with Google Shopping Ads in no time

This is everything I've learned managing £000,000s in Google Ad spend for myself and my clients, selling everything from arts & crafts products to hair care, handmade shoes to uPVC guttering.

I invite you to take control of your own Google Ads account:

Members get instant access to Get to Grips with Google Shopping, a comprehensive course on how to set up and run Google Shopping Ads, worth £997

Get to Grips with Google Shopping is a step-by-step course designed for absolute beginners that will take you from feeling lost and confused about Google Shopping to being confident setting up and running your ads.

What's more, it will also show you what you need to do to tweak and improve your campaigns so they get even better results as time goes on.

Here's What We'll Cover:

Weeks 1 & 2: Your Numbers & Your Website

Before you start running ads you need to know what success looks like for you so you can come up with realistic and achievable goals.   Our super useful goal tracker and KPI tracker will help you to keep track of how you're doing.

It's also very important to make sure your website it at its best BEFORE you start paying for traffic - we'll walk through some things you can check to make sure it's in the best shape for your new visitors.

Week 3: Connecting the Tech

Probably the most daunting part of Google Ads is getting all the tracking and accounts set up and connected.  Don't worry, you don't need a degree in computer science to get it done!
The step by step videos, guides and checklists make it child's play and you'll be all set up in no time.

Your conversion tracking and analytics are vital in measuring how your ads are doing and you'll soon be feeling confident navigating it all like a pro!

Weeks 4 & 5: Your Product Feed

Your product feed is the heart and soul of Google Shopping ads and creating it is just the beginning.

I'm going to help you to understand how to make your product information irresistable to Google so they show your product ads to your ideal customers.

But there will inevitably be issues, errors and warnings to deal with so we'll also talk about how to fix those and keep your account in Google's good graces.

Week 6: Building Your Shopping Campaigns

If everything else has been done well this is actually the easy part!

But as with anything, there are good ways and not so good ways of doing it...  Step by step video tutorials will show you the best way to structure your campaigns for success.  

We'll cover everything from budgets and bids, to organising your products within your campaign.

Week 7: Reporting & Optimisation

Looking at an ads dashboard can feel confusing and overwhelming: not knowing which numbers to look at and what to do to get the results you want!

To make life easier, you'll get a reporting dashboard template that plugs directly into your ad account so you can see at an instant what's happening with your ads.

You'll also be given the tools and strategies you need to regularly tweak and adjust your campaigns so they get you the best results they can - all without spending hours every day doing it!

Week 8: Remarketing

Getting someone to your website is the costly bit, and if they don't buy right away you need a strategy in place to encourage them to come back!  

Email marketing plays a big part here, of course, but so does remarekting.  These are the ads you can show to people all over Google's network to keep your products top of mind and entice them back.

What's more, you won't have to do all this alone!

To Make Sure You're Supported Every Step Of The Way,
You'll Also Get Access To:

Weekly Live Q&A Calls

Where I answer EVERY SINGLE QUESTION, no matter how trivial...

  • Get more clarity on what you're learning and really understand what you need to do to get your Google Shopping campaigns set up the right way.  If we need to we can screen share and you can get my hands-on help inside your account to get you on the right track.

Exclusive Access to a Private FB Group

(Value £priceless)

This will be you home away from home for the duration of the course.  It's another place to get course questions answered and find support from like-minded online retailers.  It's a place to network, share wins and get advice when you need it.

You'll go from this...

  • Not knowing where to start with Google Shopping
  • Worried you'll waste your money because you don't know what you're doing
  • Not knowing how to fix warnings & errors in your Merchant Center account
  • Feeling as though you're the only one facing these challenges

To this!

  • Feeling confident to build your first campaign
  • In control of your budget and excited to see your first sales from Google Shopping!
  • Understanding how to optimise campaigns so you make money on your advertising budget
  • Knowing you're not alone, with a community of like-minded retailers and a knowledgeable coach ready to support you


As an online retailer you're wearing many hats in your business, and if you're like many small business owners the Meta Ads and email marketing also falls firmly in your lap.  So as a member of the Online Retail Academy you also have access to a Meta Ads coach and a Klaviyo coach so you can get the practical help you need.

So you also get all this support...

Monthly Meta Ads Coaching Call

Every month you get to ask a Meta Ads expert for advice on your campaigns. Whether it's checking your existing setup, getting advice on your strategy, or coming up with new ideas, Kimberley Cole of Kimberley Cole Marketing will support you in growing your Meta Ads results! (£200 value)

Monthly Email Marketing Coaching Call

Stephanie Fry of Bloomdollar is a whizz at Klaviyo and email marketing and is available to you every month to answer questions and help with strategy. You should be generating 20%-30% of your revenue from email - Stephanie will help you get there! (£200 value)

PLUS: Monthly Live Masterclass or Workshop

Every month we have valuable content delivered in the form of a masterclass or workshop.  
It's all stuff that's highly relevant to eCommerce businesses.
We've had guest experts covering topics in all the areas below, and the sessions always prove to be highly engaging and educational. 

  • Business & Marketing Basics
  • Mindset
  • Data & Analytics
  • Google Ads
  • Email Marketing
  • Social Media
  • Content, Copywriting & Creative
  • Third Party Marketplaces

£200 Value

And if that wasn't enough you'll also get instant access to:

Masterclass Library

When you join you'll get instant access to our full back catalogue of masterclasses and workshops.   There are currently 30+ classes on topics ranging from Mindset to Money, Pinterest to Pricing, Social Media, Copywriting and much much more!  All are aimed specifically at eCommerce Businesses... (£600 value)

Discounted 1-2-1 Coaching

There may be times when you want even more support.  As a member you get 30% off any 1-2-1 coaching sessions you book - that's a saving of £67 on a hour's coaching session.  We can talk Google Ads or anything else business related and it includes the recording to check back on later.

Private Community

We can't do this journey alone, and having a group of like-minded, supportive people who are doing the same thing as you is invaluable.  Not only can you make connections and build your network, you can also use this community to get additional support outside the live Q&A sessions.

Complete Guide to Performance Max

You may think there's isn't much to setting up Google's fully automated Performance Max campaigns.  But there are things you need to do to make the most of these campaigns and this course shows you exactly what to do, from creating great assets to structuring your campaign and what to do to improve your results. (£97 Value)

What Students Are Saying About The Course

More feedback from members...

 "I had dabbled with Google Shopping and had wasted hours with disapproved products and understanding Google Requirements.  Money I spent was mostly wasted as I used Smart Campaigns as I didn't know about anything else.   I had begun to think it just wasn't for me.

 The beginning of the course gave me an understanding of how Google works ie link to Merchant Center from website etc, which was invaluable as the course went on.  I have saved money by using negative keywords correctly so only show up for what is relevant.  I am still learning and check each day to make sure i haven't missed any.  

I have been braver in my spend knowing when a product has potential for more.   Sales have increased substantially month to month since working through course.  I would like you to know that I would happily recommend this course...

Thank you so much for all the energy and thought you put into making the course the success it was

Caroline Usher
Pink Monkey Designs

 "The video tutorials and step by step guides through each screen - a godsend at every step for a complete novice.  It far surpassed our expectations - a 101 guide to Google Shopping for beginners who want to be able to not only implement shopping campaigns but understand and optimise them too!

 I wish I'd known how in-depth and amazing it would be!  It far surpassed our expectations

Hannah Bullen
Hooded Owls

 I established my online business, in 2019. And like many start-ups, I assumed setting up an e-commerce business would be simple. How wrong was I!

Unfortunately, I fell into the trap of wasting money on “marketing gurus” that boasted they could increase my traffic flow and revenue but delivered nothing.

In April 2021, I decided the only way to make my business a success would be to learn how to run my online Google campaigns myself, and I was introduced to Sara.

What a revelation and transformation her course has been. From the beginning, Sara has been honest and advised that this isn’t a magic pill, but a journey to success that takes a lot of hard work. However, since engaging with Sara, I have learned so much about Googles Ads, and have seen a steady increase in my online traffic and my ROAS has reached as high as 700% during the Christmas period.

Without a doubt, this course has been worth every penny, I would highly recommend any business owner who is looking at Google ads to take control of this themselves and to enrol with Sara. I have learned so much under her tutelage, and she has been both supportive and patient over the past year.

Lorraine Moonie
Wags Empawrium

The Online Retail Academy Guarantee

I want you to be able to join the Online Retail Academy without worrying about whether it's right for you.

For that reason, if you join and decide within your first month that it's not for you just drop me a message and I'll refund your payment in full.  

No questions asked.  

No hard feelings.

The Online Retail Academy is right for business owners who:

  • run a Shopify store selling physical products
  • are ready to invest in growing their online sales
  • want to take control of their Google advertising
  • want to get their products in front of more new customers
  • ideally have an average order value of more than £25

Let's Recap!

What's inside the Online Retail Academy:

  • Get to Grips with Google Shopping course (Value £997)
  • Weekly Google Ads Live Q&A call (Value £788)
  • Monthly Meta Ads Coaching Call (Value £200)
  • Monthly Email Marketing Coaching Call (Value £200)
  • Monthly Live Masterclass/Workshop (Value £200)
  • Full Masterclass Library of 30+ Classes (Value £600)
  • Private Community
  • Discounted 1-2-1 Coaching
  • Complete Guide to Performance Max (Value £97)

Total Value: £3,082

Join today for just £97

Pro 365




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Sarah McKenna

Invaluable resource

I was looking for someone to help me get my head around google ads. Sara really knows her stuff, and she knows how to teach it. The trainings are thorough and easy to follow. The weekly calls when you can share your screen and get advice on what is happening with your own ad account are amazing. Plus, the bonus content and calls with guests on email marketing, Facebook ads, and marketing strategy are great. The rare time a question is asked that Sara doesn't know the answer to, she will go find the answer for you.

2 years ago
Samantha Gilhooley

Delighted with the results is an understatement!

I came across Sara at the end of 2021 when I made a decision I was going to try Google Shopping again. I’d tried in the past and was lucky to break even, so I wasn’t holding out much hope. This time I wanted the guidance of an expert to help me. I joined Sara’s Google Shopping BootCamp and really enjoyed the live sessions, so I decided to join the Online Retail Academy Membership and have full access to Sara’s Google Shopping course. Sara helped me set up my Ads, and I went through her full course to learn all about writing compelling descriptions, negative keywords and optimisation, something I hadn’t focused on the first time around! I launched my first Google Shopping campaign in January 2022 and it’s now the second biggest traffic source to my website and converts at a ROAS of 6. Delighted with the results is an understatement! Sara is so knowledgeable about Google Advertising and has made a massive difference to my business. I’m so very glad I found her!

2 years ago
Colleen Jackson

Beyond Exceptional!

I cannot speak highly enough of Sara and her training courses. I joined the group firstly because I needed help specifically with Google Ads. Sara’s training is clear, thorough and understandable! She goes to a depth that others trainings don’t Her support within the group and her additional trainings, round tables and mastermind classes makes the group invaluable to anyone wanting to grow their business and develop their own knowledge. Thank you for your support Sara. Colleen Jackson Ride Proud Clothing.

2 years ago

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes!  The membership is a month-to-month membership so you can cancel at any time.  It's easy to do that within your account so you don't have to jump through hoops to leave.  When you cancel your membership you will retain access to everything until the end of your billing period.

I would recommend putting aside at 2-3 hours per week over a few weeks to work through the initial content.  Most students can get to the stage where they're ready to build their Shopping campaign within the first couple of weeks.  Then it's about refining and optimising to get the results you want.

The Meta and email Q&A calls are usually in the mornings UK time.  The Google Ads Q&As vary between morning, afternoon and evening so there should be a time to suit all timezones.

Yes!  That's where the private Facebook community comes in - ask your question any time day or night and I'll hop on and give you an answer.  Very often I'll record a screen share video so it's easy to see exactly what you need to do.

Abolustely!  You don't need any technical know-how or skills to be able to learn Google Shopping.  As long as you can navigate a website you'll be fine.  Every step is broken down so it's easy to follow along and understand.

To get the most from the course and membership you will need some budget available to run ads while you learn.  While you can start with as little as £5/day, you'll get faster results if you can spend more (£500-£1000 per month)

From our Private Facebook Group...

Hi, I'm Sara

I first used Google Ads in 2006 when I launched my online store.

By 2012, however,  I was 100% reliant on organic traffic to find my customers. Then along came a Google algorithm update and BAM, 90% of my visitors disappeared overnight.  

I needed to bring visitors to my store fast, so I went back to Google Ads and figured out how to set up the new Product Listing Ads (now called Google Shopping).  

Over the coming years I would spend £1,000s on courses and memberships learning how to run effective Google Ads.  I also spent a lot of my own money honing my skills.  

Unfortunately it had come too late for my own eCommerce store, but those skills have generated £1,000,000s of revenue for my clients since 2016 when I started running ads for other businesses.  

I’m now passionate about demystifying Google Shopping for smaller eCommerce businesses so they can bring more customers and sales to their stores.