eCommerce Growth Masterclass

32 proven strategies for boosting revenue in your online store

What if you could find that one thing that could really boost sales?

What if you knew exactly which strategies to use to start really making a difference in your business?

What if you no longer had to try to figure out what 'stuff' to work on, and instead had a list of things you could work through systematically to get the results you want?

Well that's exactly what I'll show you in this Masterclass.

The eCommerce Growth Masterclass is a short, tactical training session that will show you 32 strategies for growing your eCommerce business (many of which are free!).

These are the tactics every successful eCommerce store uses, and you can too!

Get instant access to all of the 32 ways you can grow your online sales and start prioritising the ones you can get started on TODAY!


Get these handy tools FREE to help you track your numbers and set your goals:

  • eCommerce KPI Tracker
  • eCommerce Growth Calculator
  • Sales Goal & ROAS Calculator

All For Just


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About Me

I made the mistakes so you don't have to...

Hi, I'm Sara Jones, a self confessed eCommerce geek and Google Shopping expert.
From 2004-2012 I built a 6 figure eCommerce business, only to see it all come crashing down after losing all my traffic after a Google Algorithm update.  I hung on until 2016 when I decided enough was enough and shut it down.  I started using the skills I'd learned over the years to run Google Ads for clients instead.

If I'd known then what I know now I could have weathered that storm and continued to grow a thriving store.  

If only I'd done things differently...  
If only I'd known more...
If only I'd had someone to help me...

My goal now is to be that help so you don't have to make the same mistakes I did, with the aim of helping you grow a secure, thriving eCommerce business!